Bree Taylor

Based in:  Los Angeles

Touring to:  Houston: March 10-17th Boston: March 17-23rd NYC: March 23-28th

Unavailable on: [days_off_text]


I’m Bree Taylor, a gorgeous model based in Los Angeles, California. I love meeting new friends and having new experiences. Collecting crystals is a passion of mine. People say I’m outgoing, spontaneous, and open minded. In my free time, I like to travel, explore new restaurants and exhibits. I look forward to getting to know you! If you send a form through here on Models Online no additional info is needed to be cleared.
Per hour: $600.00
(Multiple hours may attract a lower rate)

Request Meeting

Maximum 3 booking requests to different models for the same booking date/time. More will be regarded as spam.

If you prefer, you may email this information to me specifying your registered email.

Announcing Tours

If you would like to send a mailer like the one below to pre-screened clients in one of a number of major US cities, please visit
This is the access password -> ‘mailer’