
Paris Lemoi

Based in:  Las Vegas

Touring to:  Houston: December 16-20th

Unavailable on: [days_off_text]


A man fantasizes about his best friend’s new girlfriend. He is willing to throw caution to the wind to fulfill his wildest dreams. Be prepared to get “risqué” with me if you dare… If you send a form through here on Models Online no additional info is needed to be cleared.
Per hour: $800.00
(Multiple hours may attract a lower rate)

Request Meeting

Maximum 3 booking requests to different models for the same booking date/time. More will be regarded as spam.

If you prefer, you may email this information to me specifying your registered email.

Announcing Tours

If you would like to send a mailer like the one below to pre-screened clients in one of a number of major US cities, please visit
This is the access password -> ‘mailer’